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- What a press office is and why food companies need it
- B2B: come programmare l’incontro tra rivenditore e buyer nel settore food&wine
- Pianificazione pubblicitaria: così lavora un bravo media planner
- Come impostare una strategia social internazionale
- The secrets to perfect advertising planning
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Why organize a press tour and how to do it
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
- Who should be responsible for Facebook and Instagram? The 7 golden rules of a good partner
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- Marlene, Tochter der Alpen
- Marlene, ein Social Brand
- Marlene, die Königin der Party
- Marlene erzählen: Geschmack und Gesundheit
- ADV Trade
- Pasta Girolomoni, das Gute von Innen
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- Girolomoni: 100% italienischer Bio-Weizen
- Beratung rund um den Launch der Marke Kissabel
- Pressestelle weltweit
- Kissabel und Fruit Attraction
- Email Marketing, um die bevorzugten Leads zu erreichen
- Pressestelle Sabelli
- Produkt des Jahres 2018
- Pressestelle Italien für food & wine
- Territoriale Förderung der Südtiroler Weine
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